How long does weed stay in your system (Hair Test and Urine)?

How long does weed stay in your system
How long does weed stay in your system

How Long Does Weed Stay In Your System (Hair Test and Urine)?

When you smoke marijuana, you get “Higher,” as users term them. Whenever people take drugs, people become euphoric; it affects their system. This is determined by nonsmoking physiology but rather how lengthy much cannabis remains throughout its bloodstream. On average, cannabis stays mostly in the brains of smoking cigarettes for 1 to 3 days, but marijuana lingers mostly in the systems of cigarette drinkers lasting up to thirty days.

THC is a chemical that is contaminated in Marijuana Plants, and because of THC, people feel relaxed and high while they smoke weed. THC is behind the spread out in our body, and it is spread up very quickly in our body.

Further, we will see many aspects while you smoke and how it affects your body when weed enters the body.

How Does Your Body Feel While Marijuana Intake?

First, we will see which body part takes how small amount of time to the detection of Marijuana.

When you smoke Marijuana, it takes a few minutes or a few hours for Blood and saliva detection. But for urine, it depends on the Smoker. If people take Marijuana for one time after a long time, then it takes up to 13 days for detection. For a regular smoker, it takes 45 days to detect. For Heavy smokers, it takes 90 days for Marijuana detection. In the hair of the human body, it takes 90 days for Marijuana detection.

How long does weed stay in your system (Hair Test and Urine)? 1

Behind This Detection What Are The Factors That Take Part While You Smoke?

The main chemical behind this is Tetrahydrocannabinol(THC). In chemical terms, it is also called as a Delta-9-THC or Simply THC. When you smoke Weed, THC is the first chemical that spreads up in the body too quickly. This enters the blood veins.

When you smoke the first puff of Marijuana, THC goes into the lungs for the first time. Then it enters into the bloodstream, So with that, it affects many organs and the brain too. THC interacts with the endocannabinoid system, which affects our brain’s movement. You can sense the diluted feeling of Sensation, Memory, Coordination, Judgment, and Reward. Within one to three hours, your body can feel these effects.

Also, you can sense some short-term effects within the hours that as Problem-solving, Learning, and Some lingering effects. Also, it impairs your driving performance while driving. National Highway Authorities have reported these issues as they found many people move while smoking Marijuana.

Blood Veins feel THC and Marijuana that are ingested while smoking. It takes only 20 minutes or half an hour to absorb in the body.

Tetrahydrocannabinol can also be called “THC.” This chemical component reacts first and is diluted in the bloodstream within half an Hour.

When you smoke Marijuana, THC is caught in the first few hours of smoking. Because after THC spreads out, it breaks down into various molecules; these molecules are called metabolites. In research labs, it has been found that there are over 80 different metabolites in THC.

These metabolites are stored in various body parts. It is stored in the body’s fats. Other Organs also absorb THC, like the Brain and Heart. In the Liver, THC Metabolites, 11-hydroxy-THC, and Carboxy-THC are entered through it. These metabolites are excluded via feces and urine at the time.

Also, it is spread in the Body Tissue via the bloodstream; the body Tissue consumes it. It is easy for casual Smokers to eliminate THC from their body. It takes the form of fatty tissue and is removed faster through it. But for the heavy Smoker, it is hard to pass the test. It would stay in the body for a long time even if they stopped the intake for some days.

Other effects we don’t feel when we are high on Weed are Effect Anxiety; You can’t think, Mood swings, Delusions, Distorted Sence of time, Can’t remember correctly, Fear, Altered Sense, Hallucinations, Impaired Coordination, Paranoia, and Increased appetite.

In Which Body Variations is Marijuana Detected?


A dehydrated body is more likely to have positive testing for Marijuana THC in the body. So what happens while your body feels dry, and then you should do testing? Your body has less water while dehydration, which means your blood and urine have less water too.

So then, other contaminants are more concentrated in the urine and blood. So, when the test for Marijuana THC happens, it will detect easily.

In Body Fat – How Long Does Weed Stay In Your System

We know that THC is distributed as Metabolites. It is more likely to spread in the body fat. Cannabinoids of THC created substances like metabolized.

Compared to a Leaner Body, High Body Fat contains more THC even if they have not smoked weed for a long time. There is an Index number, Body Mass Index(BMI); if BMI is higher in your body, then weed remains longer in your body.

THC Content of the Weed

More potent forms of weed are readily detectable in the body for a long time. More full forms, such as skunk, are included in it. If you consume more potent buds, they will stay in the body for a long time. It also takes more time to create an elimination way through the bi-product of the human. So, High Effective and Stronger Weeds are readily detectable in the test.


Metabolites are the spread in the Body Fats and the body system’s Metabolism. Slower Metabolism is more likely to pass the test than a faster metabolism.


With every exercise won’t feel released from the Marijuana THC, but the regular exercise you to positive testing of Marijuana THC.

Suppose you have contained weed before, and Now you have to test for THC. While exercising, your body will start warming up, which burns up energy. So stored THC contents are beginning to spread out in the whole body. Mainly through the bloodstream, it is starting to spread out. Therefore those who do regular exercise can not pass the test.

Sometimes Exercexercise helps you to fail the THC checking test. After Weed smoking, Some Days pass by, and when the trial is scheduled, then you will fail the test.

Testing Methods for THC

To check the availability of THC in your body. Various testing methods follow to contain Marijuana THC in your body. Through Blood, Urine, Saliva, and Hair THC Conclusion Test can conduct.

Blood Testing – How Long Does Weed Stay In Your System

Marijuana Cannabinoids spreads out through the bloodstream via Metabolites of the THC. Therefore after smoking weed, for Up to 36 hours body will give you a positive result from the Weed Testing.

How is the blood test practical for various smokers?

One fact is that, compared to Urine, Weed can be tested faster while it is filtered and spread out in the blood. So Weed Testing laboratories prefer urine testing over blood testing.

It takes 2 to 7 days for a regular weed smoker to eliminate it from the blood. So in between, these days are the best to conduct the blood test for weed. For casual weed smokers, you must complete the test within 24 hours. Otherwise, you won’t get a positive result for the weed test.

Saliva Test

Saliva Test is ineffective for all king of Smokers. But why is it hopeless? Primarily for Casual and Regular Smokers, Weed is contained in the saliva for 24 hours only. You can use the Saliva test to make it positive in that period. Otherwise, you have to satisfy with the negative result.

Hair Test

Compared to all body parts, hair takes more time to eliminate the THC from it. So it is the best testing method; your Marijuana cannabinoids test gives a positive result through hair. Hair testing for a heavy user is highly effective. Generally, it takes 90 days to eliminate it from the hair.

For Regular Weed smokers, you can catch them up within 90 days after they stop smoking. But for frequent Marijuana smokers, a Hair test is entirely useless. You wouldn’t get anything at all.

Hair Testing for Weed is a bit expensive process as compared to another testing. Why is it expensive? Because to conduct the hair test, you require some expensive testing machines and tools.

For all Smokers, Urine testing is better. Organizations and their employers prefer to take urine tests always. In their workspace, they always favor the urine test. Now let’s move on to the urine testing.

Urine Testing – How Long Does Weed Stay In Your System

As you all know, Urine testing is the most common testing method. It is suitable for Casual Smokers who smoke At least two times per week. The results will be positive if a test is conducted after 1-3 days.

For Heavy Smokers, If you conduct a test for them, After 30 days, when they last smoked the weed a month, Then they might get caught in the trial for Marijuana. For those Who eat Marijuana with the brownie and another Medium of the food, then, within 1 to 5 days test is going to be positive.

A urine test detects non-psychoactive chemicals, also. It sees the THC-COOH. Mainly it detected Heavy users because they are now familiar with Weed Consumption.

How is the Urine test accurate?

When a Marijuana Test is conducted by using urine testing. When it is started, the laboratory screens the sample with initial tests, known as the EMIT. If any positive result is detected, then again, that screen test is tested with Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer. Because of these dual tests of the urine, In a urine test, you can see errorless results and rare failures.

When the tester does not know the substance of the Weed, Then at that time, there can be a failure, but Now you can not see this kind of error as we stated that there is a dual test.

These are the Testing Methods. Alongside these testing methods, there are some more factors affecting Weed testing. Below points listed is one them.

  • Usage Frequency – Smokers are Heavy, Frequent, and Casual Smokers. So The Testing result depends on that.
  • Hydration Level – As we know, A dehydrated body is more likely to give a Positive Test. If your body is hydrated enough, then it might be a chance of failing the test.
  • THC Amount in Marijuana – THC in Marijuana is in different amounts from every other Marijuana breed. So, the test depends on the THC Amount and how small the part it is in the Marijuana plants.
  • A gap in Smoking – Time plays a vital role in testing. One who last smoked the weed within three days is better in the test. For people who have not smoked weed for the last four-month then, the result will be different than positive.
  • THC Processes – In Some people’s Body systems, THC is filtered quickly, while in some people, THC is filtered slowly. If you want to catch a Smoker who has a fast filter THC system people, Then the first 1-3 days are the Best.

What To Do For Detoxing From The Weed? How Long Does Weed Stay In Your System?

Marijuana is very addictive stuff, and it needs to be under control. One should not cross the limits, once you’re regular in intake of Marijuana. If you are one of the Addictive ones, then Medical practitioners and the healthcare diagnosis system can help you to Quit Marijuana.

Healthcare mainly checks first your habitual effective routines after smoking Marijuana. So when you are away from Marijuana. They contain your Behavioral Changes, Symptoms, and Signs. They state the term Marijuana use disorder or Cannabis use disorder.

According to NIDA reports, People start Use Smoking Marijuana at the age of 18. In the adulthood Period, their body is changing on their dependency.

People rely more on Marijuana intake, and some of their body function works if they smoke. When These dependent persons suddenly stop to smoke Marijuana then, they will be suffered from withdrawal symptoms.

Which withdrawal symptoms will people suffer after they suddenly stop the intake of Marijuana? This suffering stays for 1 to 2 weeks after the last smoke of the weed.

Some symptoms are Depression, Sweating, Abdominal Pain, Irritability, Headache, Tremors, Anxiety, Fever, Decreased Appetite, and Poor Sleep. These are the Withdrawal Symptoms that you may face if you quit Marijuana.

Last Words

This is it. We have seen how long Marijuana stays in our body system. Not Marijuana, but Psychoactive THC stays in our bodies. It varies according to different persons and also depends on smokers, like how many times they smoke in a week. 

We have also seen the testing methods from where Marijuana is detected and what to do while detoxing the weed. There are some consequences if you quit suddenly, but it is happy and healthy to quit Marijuana for your body.